Friday, July 11, 2014

Scrip Tuition Credit, Coming Right Up!

I'm excited to announce that Scrip tuition credit is now YOURS, as long as you purchased Scrip last school year! You should see your Scrip credit on your next statement. If you don't, please contact your school.

I want ALL of you to receive Scrip tuition credit next year! All you have to do is purchase Scrip gift cards or e-Cards on your smart phone and you will receive tuition credit.

What if you pay your tuition in full and/or the Arizona tuition tax credit program covers your tuition? Purchase Scrip and share your Scrip rebates with another student at ALA or one of our Arizona WELS elementary schools who has a balance on their account. Or donate your rebates to the ALA tuition assistance fund. (Donations to this fund will qualify as a charitable gift to ALA that can be deducted on your taxes.)

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