Scrip is an incredible tool for ALA and our Arizona WELS grade school families to earn tuition credit. When you purchase Scrip you purchase gift cards (and ScripNow! ecards) that are used just like cash for local and national vendors. You can use Scrip to purchase everyday expenses like food, gas, clothing, restaurants, home improvements, medical, travel, plus much more. With every purchase you make using Scrip, you are generating tuition credit for your own family or a family of your choosing as well as generating funds for the general student body at ALA.
Scrip allows you to shop using gift cards (and ScripNow! ecards) bought from the ALA Scrip program. All the participating vendors offer a substantial discount (rebate) on their gift cards or gift certificates. The Scrip program buys the Scrip at this discount, and then resells the gift cards to families like yours at face value. The difference is a rebate that ALA shares with you for your own tuition account or for the tuition account of another family of your choosing. You may also designate 100% of the rebates to the ALA tuition assistance fund.
Anyone who wishes to support Arizona Lutheran Academy may purchase Scrip. Just complete an agreement form to enroll in the program. Parents, grandparents, relatives and friends can purchase Scrip and designate their shared rebates to any students' tuition account. What a great savings program for families at ALA and our Arizona WELS elementary schools!
Need more information? Visit ALAcoyotes.org/Scrip to learn much more! Or browse through this blog for more Scrip news and explanation.
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